Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Hello again!

Just wanted to say hi again, see how everybody's doing.  See our first discussion here if you haven't yet.

I mean, that's what Corona' Chronicles is here for . . . just letting us know how you're doing in this--I even hate to write it this way—Corona' virus era.

If you want to contribute an article for discussion, please forward an email to me at: mister.write.disqus@gmail.com.  Or find the great Laura J. here.  As Blogger is basically run by Google, you will need a gmail address in order to start discussion.  Of course, our commenting platform is Disqus.

We've had great comments already, if you wanna check out our first discussion.

 I could get into, what?  The whole science of it, that is if you're not tired of being able to switch on the flat screen/TV and see some news discussion already going on, unless your streaming starts right up.  Could get into conspiracies of the whole thing (heh, I'm not stopping ya.  But, I DO subscribe to how these kinds of "invisible enemies" almost certainly have to rear its very ugly head every so often).  Could get into the science of it, cite sources, charts, etc.

And we'll probably get into that at some point.

For now, I'd rather just stay on the human side.  Tell us how you're feeling.  You're probably not alone in that feeling.  But, who cares if you are the only one; maybe you can give us an angle the rest of us haven't considered.

Heh.  Tell us what you're eating in your bunker.  Trying new recipes?  How about take out?  What kind of take out are you getting?

Just express.  Post a video if you want.

This is not the end of us, as if I have to say.  We can talk about stuff here—that's how we can really fight this thing.

Tell your Blogger and/or Disqus pals about our 'site here.

Take care for now!